Thursday, December 31, 2009

Missional Resources- Equipping the saints to be missional christ followers that love people well

To reach our campus's, and our cities, and beyond, we need to learn from each other and train and equip the saints for the work of the kingdom.. Here are resource's I've collected that you may find helpful. The link is to a google doc with the same content! We're trying to develop missional christ followers that love jesus and people well... Holistic missionary training I call it.

missional community resources

I also have the syllabus of our entrepreneur (missionary) training program

Exiles- Michael Frost
Radical Reformission- Marc Driscoll
Connecting- Larry Crabb
Hudson Taylors Spiritual Secret- Taylor
The Present Future- McNeal
The Shaping of Things to Come- Frost
ReJesus- Frost
Heart of a Servant Leader- Miller
Enduring Community- Habig
Ordering your private world- Macdonald
The Unlikely Disciple- Roose
The Enemy Within- Lundgaard

Advancing the Gospel in the 21st Century- Keller
The Three World Views- Glen Smith
The Missional Church- Keller
Creating Community- Lance Ford
Looking Outside- Brother Maynard
Clarifying our Calling- Glen Smith
Evangelism by Networking- Glen Smith
Beginning a Conversation- Ed Stetzer
Being Intentional- Bischof
Holistic Formation- Bischof
How Can I be Missional- Emerging Grace
Gospel Discipling- Smallman
Marks of a Spiritual Leader- Piper
Cultivating a Tender Heart- Macullum
Being Intentional About Passing it on- Bischof
Living on Mission- Coram Deo- Will Walker
Life if David Brainerd- Jeremy Lantz
William Carey: Father of Modern Missions- Royer
The Real Reason for Revival- Dr. Martyn Lloyd- Jones
A Theology of Work- Bob Thune
How to Exegete your culture-
Christ in the City- Keller
Getting Upstream to Transform the City- Keller
A Vision for the City- Villafane
Core Team Health- pdf
Decoding UT- hcbc-ut
Missional Contact Sheets- hcbc-ut
Establishing Missional Communities- hcbc-ut

2009 : books i read this year

I am a seasonal reader; which means some seasons I read a ton and in others not so much. But here's a blurb about books I've read this year. We should always be learning and listening to other voices. I recommend reading many different authors :). And if folks tell you not to read a certain author.. I'd go ahead and read them and let the holy spirit guide you. The ** are ones I really enjoyed.

*Hudson Taylors Spiritual Secret: classic on going all in - exegeting your culture- missional living

Missional Church- Guder: Theory that inviting folks to join our christian community first will lead to life transformation 2nd

*Heart of a Servant Leader- Jack Miller: Pastoral letters to missionaries around the world- drips of gospel sonship

*Vintage Jesus- Driscoll: Sarcastic and revealing look at who Jesus really was.. and is

Vintage Church- Driscoll: Sarcastic and revealing look at who the church should be

*The Yankee Years-Joe Torre: Guide to dealing with stress and finding your leadership style

*Reaching the Campus Tribes- Hines: Why we need to blow up most college ministry methodology and start over on our unique campuses

**The Unlikely Disciple- Roose: Non- christian college student transfers from Brown to Liberty for a semester and lives to tell the tale

Idols of the Heart- Fitzpatrick: What happens when you don't believe the gospel

Serving as a church greeter- Parrott/ Fusion- Searcy: Loving people well the moment they walk through the door of your church

*I once was lost- Everts: fascinating look at the '5 thresholds' folks must walk through in coming to faith- it's my story too.

Compelled by love- Stetzer: What should motivate you to live missionally

*Practicing Greatness- McNeal: How to lead well

Off Road Disciplines- Creps: The title got me.. I admit.. but reminders of the disciplines that will keep you walking with Him

Rejesus- Frost: How we should be mini Jesus's to the world

The Blueprint- Ma: Helping college students to see themselves as missionaries on the campus

Sticky church- Osborne: How to get folks to stick to your church.. the right folks

On the NT, OT, Church Leadership, God- Driscoll: Attempt at being brief and sarcastic while sharing deep truths

**Ordering Your Private World- Macdonald: I read it every year..

*The Shack- Young: I should have read it years ago.. don't think too deeply, just enjoy the story.. it's fiction remember?? :)

*Going Rogue: Sarah Palin Bio- She got screwed by the man.. beware she knows how to handle a gun.. and wild caribou

Irresistible Revolution- Claiborne: Christian Pacifist calls for a new way of living.. in Philly

What should I read next year??? :) Holy spirit on 3!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Home for the Holidays

I decided to drive home from Texas to Connecticut for the holidays. Yes, it is many states away, and in the heart of winter, but I wanted to bring my dog home and stay awhile with the family. So I packed up the jeep with diet coke, found a friend to tag along, shiner jumped in, and off we went on an adventure.. and yes we hit the 'storm of the decade'!

I haven't lived in Connecticut since the summer of my sophomore year of college- go JMU. Since then, I have lived in Harrisonburg and Vienna, VA; Fort Myers, FL; and Austin, TX. It's been like 14 years since I've spent an extended time at home due to my workaholicness. Since then I've worked for:
  • Chilis- Server, Cook, Trainer & Corporate Trainer for New Store Openings
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes- Summer Camp Staff & College Staff at JMU
  • Intervarsity Christian Fellowship- College Staff at JMU
  • Mclean Bible Church- College Ministry Staff
  • Leesburg Park & Rec.- Pre-k-3rd grade Sports Instructor
  • The Little Gym- Sports Director, Program Director, New Gym Trainer & Lead Teacher
  • Southside High School- Women's Basketball & Soccer Coach
  • Fort Myers Christian School- K- 8th P.E. Teacher, Athletic Director, Men's and Women's Basketball & Soccer Coach
  • UW Sports Ministry- Head Coach
  • Hill Country Christian School- K- 8th P.E. Teacher
  • Hill Country Bible Church UT- Church Plant Core Team, Student Fellowship Director, Associate College Director, College Director & Connections/ Missional Communities Director
Many places, many jobs, and much time away from my family. I've tried to visit 4-5 times a year since. so that's like 60-70 visits, maybe more.. I have loved my work and have felt very useful in these positions and have seen much fruit of the my labor. Not sure why God has chosen to call me out and use me- a sacrcastic, sports loving, single from New England. But his calling has 'kept' me from my family.. and it's very, very hard on me.

Yes, I know my S.H.A.P.E. and am living in the calling and gifting. I have magic powers, and can connect folks to Jesus, His community and His calling on peoples lives, but the head and heart are heavy some days..

So I drove home, unpacked, and am staying awhile.. Shiner likes the snow. I like have Uconn, Yankees, and NY Giants on every sports show and newspaper in town. I like seeing my family everyday. I babysit, run errands, and just be.. with the family. Don't worry, work is getting done via emails, facebook, texts and calls.

Call it a vacation, a sabbath, a holiday. I call it a disconnect and reconnect. Much needed.

The work will be there when I get back.. It always is. :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Why you should go on a Spring Break Trip..

If you don’t believe it when I tell you that a spring break trip will change your life, here are some stories that may convince you otherwise. Take a look and come on a trip! You won’t regret it!


Josh Williams:
My trip to Omaha in the Spring of 2009 was momentous. I have a close relationship with almost everyone in our group, and continue to grow alongside them. At Coram Deo, I relearned the gospel. I experienced a group of people who loved Jesus and pursued Him in every aspect of their lives. The learning was non-stop: from the day I got back, I had an insatiable desire to grow and learn more about this God I love.

Stefan Berthelsen:
"You want me to do what? Give up my own break of Spring Semester? And go to... Omaha? You've gotta be kidding me..." That's what I was thinking when I got asked to go on a Spring Break Trip last year, and yet somehow I ended up packing my self and a week's worth of provisions into vans early Saturday morning last Spring Break. How did I end up on van that morning? Well, God slowly removed the petty excuses... I've gotta go home and see my friends. I want a week to myself. That's a lot of money. You name it. God broke it down. He's a provider. He's a God who opens doors of opportunity because when He is in your life he shakes it up and breaks you for the path he wants you to be on... Yeah, I fought it at first. I like my way until God blows it up and shows me how much more beautiful his is. Over and over again.

Not knowing exactly why I signed up in the first place, I went to Omaha and came back with something different. I am not going to tell you I came back a NEW me (we will leave that type of superficial transformation to Extreme Makeover Home Edition), but there was something different. An attitude. A desire. A new family.

In Omaha, the passionate teaching of men who lived and breathed the Gospel to different communities of people woke me up. They taught us about the persistent, continuous, and deafening power of the Gospel in our individual lives in a new way. The same message I have always heard but from a fresh perspective. They taught us by helping us do it. I remember driving around Omaha with a recent college grad volunteer named Bill. Bill liked Kurt Vonnegut; so do I... we hit it off. Our conversations reminded me over and over again of what we had been learning all week. The importance of living with, caring about, and truly loving the people you so desperately desire will find the joy we have found in Christ.

Not only a new perspective, I came back with a new family. The people I shared a hotel room with, cleaned a devastated basement with, and road fourteen hour in a van with were my team, my gang, my chums, (any more 50's group references, anyone?). Not only this group though, but I also felt like Hill Country was now my home. Another community that I was a part of because I knew we all had a common goal: to spur each other on in this race we are running in, to let his redemptive power consume even the foulest parts of my soul, and to reach those at UT who need the Gospel just as much as I do.

Collin Huber:
This past spring break, I went on the trip to Omaha with HCBCUT. Honestly, I had very low expectations going into the week. I mean, how fun could Nebraska really be for spring break? But God cornered my heart during that time. On one hand, He made me vulnerable because I was going to a new place with new people from the church that I did not know all too well. I was forced to be intentional and put my pride on the line for the sake of getting to know others. God also convicted me deeply of the way I use my time. Every reason that I had for not going to Nebraska over spring break was a selfish one. I would not have as much fun there as I would at the beach. It is not as comfortable spending a week with people I don’t know as it would be with people I do know – and so on. He revealed to me how completely trivial my ambitions were towards my life because they were all aimed at how I could improve myself.

When I got to Omaha, I spent a week with the leaders of the church that we were visiting and what I saw from their lives was a deeply convicted obedience to the Gospel that was not a duty, but a sincere delight. This was the greatest lesson that God taught me during my spring break trip – that committing my life to Him brings more joy and fulfillment than anything else my heart could ever desire. Since then, I have been able to pursue that fact alongside the other people who went on the trip with me and God has been true in satisfying my heart as I chase after His purpose for me. Before this past spring break, I would never have believed anyone who told me that I would spend my holiday in Nebraska, but in hindsight I am forever grateful for my time there. God used it to lean on my motives towards life. He rescued me from my ambitions of self satisfaction and encouraged me to live as His son because that is the only thing that brings true satisfaction.

My time in Omaha truly changed my perspective towards life and faith and it taught me the meaning of true joy. I do not plan on returning to the sentiments I had before that trip and I would not have it any other way.

Kaity Harlan:
When I first came to Hill Country, I knew immediately that this was the church for me. I immediately jumped into a freshman bible study at the church and started serving in the worship ministry, but I was still having trouble feeling connected.

I was asked to go on the Spring Break trip to Memphis and I said yes. I still remember being nervous for the first meeting because I literally didn’t know anyone else who was going. Even by the time we were loading up the vans and heading to Memphis, I still didn’t feel like I really knew anyone on the trip. But over the course of the next week, our team grew closer than I ever could have imagined. I not only learned some amazingly practical ways to be missional and the importance of having someone disciple me, but I also made some lasting friendships. I remember coming back from Spring Break feeling really connected because I knew that I had 18 other people in the church that I had grown really close to. I actually met one of my best friends in Austin on that first trip! Honestly, if I hadn’t gone on that first trip I don’t know if I would have stayed at Hill Country because before that I didn’t feel like I had any friends here. Now I’ve been on two trips, led one of them, and am on staff here at the church.

The Spring Break trips changed my life because they changed Hill Country from being this place I go to on Sundays into my home here in Austin where I feel loved, encouraged, and surrounded by friends!

Krissy Cunningham:
My freshman year I was asked to attend the Memphis trip. I was hesitant at first since Spring Break was my time to go home with my family and friends. But I decided to take a risk and go. It has literally changed my experience at college. I learned the importance of discipleship and service through the ministry we partnered with. In addition, I was able to experience fellowship with my church body. This was the biggest benefit. I had built relationships that kept me wanting to serve and be involved with the church after the trip, which was critical in a time that I was searching for my identity in Christ. I was now able to call Hill Country my family away from home (and lets not forget that I also met my future husband...haha).

The second trip was to Omaha and I was one of the student leaders. This was a great time of growth and trust. I had to learn to let the guys take lead and how to support and encourage them. In addition, I learned how to deal with conflict and improvise as the schedule would change. Seeing the team grow and learn was excellent. Furthermore, I learned what a missional community was...Living life on a daily basis for the glory of God. It was really neat to see how the church was reaching a city one action at a time. Most of all, prayer was established. Speaking with him and sharing my joys and fears allowed him to work to the fullest extent.

Nathan Byard:
Honestly, last spring break trip has had a huge impact on my life. It wasn't noticeable to me at the time, but looking back it was the turning point. I had a lot of things going wrong in my life and didn't feel like I was spiritual enough. I didn't feel adequate, I didn't feel like God would use me, I didn't feel like it would change my life like everyone said. But I went anyways cause of that ever so tiny feeling like God might have wanted me to. It was a lot of fun! I made a lot of friends! But I didn't feel a whole lot different. There was no giant hand reaching out of the sky putting me back on track.

Its been almost 9 months, and looking back, that trip really was the turning point. It got me connected to people at church. They loved me and cared, so I started going to church more to see my new awesome friends. Going to church helped me get involved in a missional community. The people in that missional community took time to talk to me, went through scripture together, and helped me work through all those issues in my life that were dragging me down. I have since been reconnected in my faith, a new fire in my soul, and a new passion! I am a completely different person then last year and truly believe it's cause of the spring break trip I went on. And now, I never thought I would, but I am leading one this year. I cannot wait to see what God does this time!

Lola Longe:
I guess spring break in St. Louis opened my eyes to the need of those around the world. But it also reminded me of the need of those who i see everyday around me. In one of the neighborhoods we visited in St. Louis, there was an apparent need of re-structuring in order to create a friendlier, safer, and cleaner environment. There was also a need for safety from the gangs that were present there, and from the police officers who routinely incriminated the innocent. The other neighborhood we visited in St. Louis was a typical suburban town, with nice houses with nice cars residing in their driveways. It was visually more appealing than the other neighborhood, with a seemingly smaller problem of gangs and corrupt policemen. However, the people there keep to themselves, and were not as particularly open to listening to us speak about Jesus, as the first neighborhood had been.

This is one of the most important features of the trip I learned: there is a need for Jesus every where we go, no matter what we appear to need, or think we need. I think that if people in those two different neighborhoods lived a life in which they fully sought God's kingdom, they wouldn't have the problems they had, and even if they did, they would still have joy and love that would get them through difficulties. This was an important lesson to bring back to UT with me. My goal was to recognize that we are all in need of saving, and to bring the truth to those around me. I don't need to go somewhere else to help people, when people around me need help too.

Take a step of faith! Join the Road Trip 09-10
Beruit, D.R., Omaha, Memphis, Gonzales, Piedras Negras, Fort Myers, Sherman

Register at :

Saturday, November 21, 2009

A church plant for college students???

Are you nuts? Planting a church for college students who: have no money, are flaky, and over committed; Who are only in school maybe 30 weeks a year; Who skip out on the weekends & Sunday worship, for trips home, to see friends, attend football games, etc. etc; Who, if they are Christ- followers, are involved in multiple ministries; And if they don't know Jesus yet, have no interest in our Jesus our our church...

What were we thinking???

Wrong question.. It's who were we thinking of???

Over 50,000 students at UT...
Over 5000 of those are international students..

90% who don't know Jesus..yet...

But take a passion for college students.. A committed staff.. Faithful adults.. A few college students crazy enough to jump on board with us...And the Holy Spirit...Jesus has showed up..

Read about our journey.. The good, bad, and ugly:

I hope it inspires you and your church to partner with us.. or inspires you to reach your neighborhood college campus..

If we can help you reach your campus in anyway, just let us know!

Hill Country UT - A missional community of Christ- followers, committed to connecting students at The University of Texas, (and other surrounding campuses), with the life transforming power of Jesus.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

An outsider's perspective on Christians... Read this book!

What do people that don't go to church think about Christians, Christianity, and the church? What do folks from other parts of the country that are unfamiliar with evangelical Christianity think of those that call themselves born again Christians?

We call them non- Christians, unbelievers, people that don't know Jesus yet, and other names I don't care to use here.. We are always trying to get them to understand us and the gospel.. to speak their language so they will "taste and see that the Lord is good".

But would we be willing to leave behind the Christian culture and safe world (christian bubble) we are in and enter into their world, not to convert, but to truly understand their life, morals, faith or lack their of. To be honest learners.. and listeners.. and friends?

I recently finished the book "An Unlikely Disciple", by Kevin Roose. It is about a self- described non- christian who decides to enroll at Liberty University (a very conservative Christian University in Lynchburg, VA founded by the late Jerry Falwell) to learn about evangelical Christianity by totally immersing himself in the culture. He does this not to mock or slam or write the sequel to "Saved" (a great movie by the way). He does it to try to understand this foreign culture to learn and write about it.

Crazy right? This was my first response. (I think I said " Are you freaking kidding me??") My second was please Lord not Liberty!! Not Jerry Falwell! Not the university with the dress code, curfew, and fines for swearing, touching, and watching R rated movies!! Oh the horror! (now I did not go to Liberty so I apologize for my stereotypical views about the campus. I do however have many a friends who have gone to Liberty and also heard, like many of you all, Falwell's comments after 9-11)

Back to the book..

Kevin was a journalism student at Brown University (a very liberal 'pagan' place.. Christians beware!!! :). He grew up in PA not really going to church or with a solid faith. He was your typical college student. Partied, hooked up, wanted to save Darfur etc. etc. He did not have any folks around him that are like 'us'. Why?

There are just not many Christ-followers in New England. Better put, there are not many conservative evangelical Christians in the North East. And like 6 of the top ten non-religious states are in New England. It is a foreign land up there.. very different than the South.. or the country of Texas where I live.

When a journalism assignment brought him to Liberty one weekend, he encountered a few Liberty students in the lobby of Falwell's church, located on the Liberty campus. Not to give too much away, but the encounter freaked him out. Yes freaked him out.

But it also caused him to wonder who are these people ? It was like bumping into tourists from a foreign land... hearing a language you've never heard before. That encounter took him on a semester long journey away from the 'safety' of Brown University, away from his loving but non-christian parents and friends, into the lion's den of.... Christianville, USA. (His parents we're scared to death by the way of this idea and pleaded for him not to go!!)

The book is his account of going undercover as a student at Liberty. It is a fascinating, and I believe open and honest look at Christianity. It is hilarious and challenging. It should be read by all. Do I agree with everything he says??.. No.. Not at all. But it's his honest search for understanding that is so amazing, and refreshing to me..

And needing to be heard by Christ-followers.. no matter where you live.

FYI- I grew up in New England. Connecticut by the way.. I am a Yankee true and true! Loud, sarcastic, non-touchy feely, family loving, passionate NY Yankee, MY Giant, and UCONN fan, loyal to a fault, former nominal Catholic not really.

It wasn't until I was a sophomore in college, at James Madison University, a public school in Virginia, where I first encountered "born again Christians". Totally freaked me out by the way... but also made me curious as to who the hell are these people... :) (now there's a good story)

Read this book. It's at Barnes and Nobles.. I don't think its at Lifeway.. sorry.. you'll have to be brave and leave the bubble..

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Seniors... don't waste your year.. or you're life!

It's your senior year.. where did all the time go? Just yesterday you were a wide eyed freshman wondering where your classes were, shopping for a church and ministry; making friends and finding your way.

As a freshman you ran around getting involved in all sorts of activities.. ate way to much mac and cheese and went to every football game.. yeah! You were poured into by upperclassman and adults who cared about your spiritual health. You saw godly people of the opposite sex and got giddy but decided to just be with Jesus..

As a sophomore you dove (or were pushed) into leadership, led folks and served and got overwhelmed but leaned on Jesus.. and still ate way to much mac and cheese in that kitchen you loved in your off campus apartment. You held parties for way to many occasions,and had a blast. You wondered who your future spouse would be..

Junior year you got your rhythm, felt much older and wiser, and began to think, huh.. holy crap I'm a junior! You wished you were a wide eyed freshman who could just sit and soak and listen but knew you had so much to give back so you tried to balance the two. You were asked about summers and internships and jobs and loss some sleep over that.. You think or thought you found your spouse.. and wondered why it was so easy/hard.

Senior year.. yessssss you've arrived. You are legal. You are the leaders of the school, church, life etc. You are tired, yet giddy for this year. You wonder what your place is at church or ministry. You are busy interviewing for jobs, trying to get motivated for classes, trying to not get overwhelmed with future stuff. You feel burned out. but have learned so much and have so much to give.. But don't know how best to balance it all. Did I mention your legal now too :) and planning how to date long distance or get engaged or how you can meet someone before the real world begins..

I hear you! I understand!! I've been there! I came to know the Lord in college.. sat and soaked.. led small groups.. was put in leadership.. felt overwhelmed and burnt out.. then went into ministry full time!!!! I saw all 8 of my roommates get married within their senior year and 2 years after college. I went to more weddings my first 5 years out of college then in my entire life time combined!!! Ha!

Here this:

I want you to have a great senior year!
I want you to love Jesus more!
I want you to find great jobs!
I want you to find a godly spouse and have an amazing marriage!
I want to see Jesus move and transform you and those around you!

But you have been through so much! You do have so much to give to those bright eyed underclassman! But you do need to think through what happens in the next season. You do.

So I have a few nuggets of wisdom for you. For this your senior year.. And the next season of your life! You may disagree with some things.. super.. Just ask the holy spirit what you should hear or not. Holy Spirit on 3!!

Senior Year Nuggets of wisdom:
- Be with Jesus.. However you do your relationship with your savior thing.. do it.. make time for it. Or you just won't.. and you will suffer for it.

- Be careful with your new found freedom. You got wisdom, life experience, time and the law behind you. Just be wise. Don't peak to soon :) Pace yourself with your fun zones ok?

- Give back to those younger than you. Take some freshman through scripture; go on a weekend mission trip and spring break trip; Take some underclassman to HEB or Walmart.

- Serve in the church. Don't be the guy too cool for school. Be a greeter, help plan events, hand out bulletins.. Don't ask to lead, just be a servant!

- Begin to Live missionally in your neighborhood and at your job (if you have one) - this is where your future missional community will be! Get some practice investing in these places!

-Join a community group.. You're not too cool for school. Meet in a small group with other believers each week. After graduation, when all the weekly ministry meetings pass away, this is where your spiritual community will be.. a small group through your church

- Get more involved in your local church. If you've been a para church ministry person during your four years.. fantastic.. but there aren't many para church ministries for folks after college.. Your local church is where the action will be. Get a taste of it now!

Future planning- Life after college.. a few things to think about...

Find a church and THEN find a job... there is not a good church everywhere.. the salary, insurance, benefits.. its not enough.. your spiritual life is the most important thing... it is.. so before you sign the dotted line.. do a church search.. please please please...

- Before you move somewhere new for a job, grab some friends to go with you. Starting somewhere new is hard.. especially after college where you had great community and were known. How about taking your community with you to that new city.. and start over together?

- Do your homework before you sign up.. Make sure the company is one you want to work for.. one you want to tell others you work for. Are they shady?? Don't be shady :(.

- Make sure you have a life. Work is not life, but a part of your life. Your weekends, hobbies, vacations etc. are important. Make sure this new job allows you to be you.. and not consume you.

- Don't start that new job until July/Aug. Give yourself time to sleep, play, recover, travel, etc before you start a job that gives you two weeks vacation a year. Take a break. You have the rest of your life to work.

- Establish some credit. Get a credit card.. Start buying gum with it. Pay it off every month. It will help you later (car loan, rent, mortgage etc).

- Start saving a bit. Start giving a bit.

- Spend a year volunteering and giving back.. to your campus church or ministry. :) Get a job that pays the bills and be a volunteer campus minister. We need you.

Seniors.. have ONE of the best years of your life!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Is one church and/or one ministry enough? a college students question....

are you a believer on a campus? then you're probably in the midst of church/ ministry shopping right now.. which i applaud you for. you need a community of believers around you; you need to be taught the word; have people praying and care for your soul; using your gifts to build up the body; being help accountable; yes yes yes.. if you're not seeking out a church to call home while you're at school.. please check your spiritual pulse.. and preach the gospel to yourself.. holy spirit on 3 :)

but, alas, some of you have your shopping cart full of churches and ministries, and are ready to jump in and be a part of multiple ministries on a weekly basis. 2 churches on sunday; 2-3 different bible studies; serving here and there and everyone; multiple social circles in multiple communities..

yeah no beuno.. while i appreciate your zealousness for heaven points.. and your desire to find community and not miss out on any opportunities.. it is not wise to be a part of multiple ministries and multiple churches at once.. yes i said it. committing to less is better.. for you and for them.

why? you just want to know god more.. you just want to worship more.. you just have so many interests and gifting.. you'll be missing out.. they'll be missing out on you :) i know i know.. how can you just pick one church or one ministry and go all in.. why should you?

well giddee up..

1- consumerism..bad- the more churches and ministries you're in.. the more you consume.. yes.. but as you take take take.. how much do you give back- with your time, talent, $$, etc.. you sit at the table and eat.. and then get up and go somewhere else for another course.. leaving your dishes behind.. leaving other people to serve you.. but you're not serving or investing there..

2- relational quota- how many relationships can you maintain..well? the more communities, bible studies, groups, etc that your in, the more relationships youll try to maintain, how deep can you go with so many folks vying for your time? will you really be known, or just be the guy who comes, says hey, and then leaves.. to run to the next group.. dont be that guy :)

3- serving- yeah, see # 1, are you giving back? are you using your gifts to serve the body? or just taking?

4- do you leave room for margins in your life? are you so busy running to and from different christian activities, that you don't have time to stop, reflect, pray and see god at work around you? hamster wheel life? just keep running.. noooooooooo

5- how many people that don't know jesus yet do you know.. like really know??.. and how many know you? the more churches and ministries you are involved in.. the less ministry you're doing.. yeah.. not what jesus taught. investing in peoples lives takes time... time

so one church.. one ministry is enough. and best. one small group. one serving team.

don't be a consumer.. go all in.. be taught, be cared for, be known, be trained and equipped, be sent out, be called to worship... one church!- one stop shopping!!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

College students- pick a church and go all in

New campus, new city, new friends, new church ?? I have met with a ton of college students these past few weeks, all shopping for a church to atend while at UT. I welcome thoughtful shopping.. I do. But there comes a time to commit.. Yes the word all students love to hear..

Here are a few suggestions on how to find a church that's your flavor:

1- you hear about Jesus alot-
gospel, gospel, gospel

2- you like the worship-
if you don't like the music.. Or it's too loud.. Or whatever.. Stop moaning and go somewhere else.

3- the teaching helps you know Jesus better...
Do you leave church thinking wow.. God spoke to me? Again if your complaining or comparing.. Leave

4- getting connected and involved is a simple process..

5- you can use your gifts and serve
- you should be able to serve where your gifted, not just where there are needs

6- you are known there..
The shepherd knows his sheep- the church should know and care for it's flock. Which means they should know who walks in and out of there doors.. If your church doesn't know it's people... If someone doesn't know you, your joys and your struggles, leave.

7- they don't just let you sit there
- you come on Sundays, sing, pray, learn, then leave and return next Sunday... Yeah no bueno.. You should get involved.. And the church should pursue you to get involved. If your just sitting there.. And the church let's you do that.. Bad news bears

8- they are reaching folks that don't know Jesus..
And training you to do the same..

9- they don't fill your life with Christian activities-
if it's a Christian country club - that fills your schedule with Christians , there not listening to Jesus

10- they acknowledge they are jacked up and in need of the gospel too

So shop yes, ask questions, but then, pick a church, commit, and go all in.

Side note- being involved in multiple churches and ministries is not wise. Yes I said it. That'll be my next blog.. :)

Heather Lodovico
College Director

... if we ever leave a legacy, let it be that we loved eachother well...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

33 and counting...

Today is my birthday :) 33 years ago today the lord decided it was time to introduce me to everyone. 13 years ago in Jan. he decided to introduce me to himself.

Now I do the best I can introducing others to himself .. And live like a child of the king.. I often fail miserably.

Jesus lived 33 or so years.. 30 years behind the scenes, not drawing a crowd.. Then he went public. 3 years he made such an impact that the world is forever changed.. And will continue to be changed. And I will continue to be changed

Now the 3 birthday questions..

1- favorite birthday memory? Last year- my Uw team sang the song "hero" to me.. I haven't laughed that hard in so long. It was fantastic!

2- good, and not so good of this past year?

Oh gosh- July to July... It's been a really tough one... The good? Time with family; uconn winning and seeing them win; Nicole getting saved ; the village - Nicole, k.t., shiner, Oliver and me; spring break selection process; mass. Camps; px 90; Disney and beach trip; driving my jeep; going to dog park with shiner; leading entreps; meeting with Krissy; shape week during 35 days; alot of good ole fun!!

Not so good?

Job stress; Satan attacks; seeing people I love go down; seeing my family in pain; feeling not able to bounce back from it all; griffins struggles; battles with sin

3- what am I most looking forward to in my 34th year??

Clarity; more time with family; more life transformation;

Birthdays... A reminder of gods love and faithfulness.. :)

Heather Lodovico
College Director

... if we ever leave a legacy, let it be that we loved eachother well...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Family time in conn.

I am spending the week in Connecticut.. Where I was born and raised.. And spent most of my days.. Ha. My family still lives there. Mom, dad, sister, nephew, aunts, uncles, cousins.. I'm here to see them and also run two sports camps for Uw sports ministries.  A great ministry by the way... 

New England needs the gospel.. So here Is my attempt to be a useful vessel in a very hard area.  And I love little kids.  I get them and they understand me.. It's an outlet for me to use my gifts with kids.  I don't have that in Austin.  I did when I was teaching, but I haven't found it yet working full time for Hcbcut.  So Uw allows me to play with kids.. And reach out to new England. A win win eh?

I love reading the paper here. There are uconn and Yankee stories every day :) . 

I love being with my family.  I love watching the Yankees with my dad. I enjoy watching movies with my sister . I love talking about mj or the latest news with my cousin. I love hanging with my nephew.  

However, my heart also aches.  My family wants me home. They always have. I've been living away since my junior year of college. Now going on.. 11-12 years.  They have been asking to move back ever since.  

Instead I've moved farther away.. From long island, ny to Harrisonburg, va to Vienna, va to fort myers, fl to Austin, tx.   I've been searching for home.. A place to serve, a community to be on mission with.. Warm weather :)

However today :
My 7 yr old nephew asked me why I live in Texas. I told him I like my job and my friends. He asked if I like my friends more than family. :(

He has asked me things like this before.  He doesn't understand why I don't live with the family.  He doesn't understand. 

He also has autism. He is brilliant. But struggles socially.  He is struggling. The family is struggling. It's been a very hard semester for them. And for me. 


I hope the trip is great. I hope time with the family is good and fun. I hope the lord uses the camp to bring many to him and encouragement to all. I hope taurasi gets to play in the wnba all star game and the Yankees win. 

And I hope He sustains my head and heart . 



Heather Lodovico
College Director

... if we ever leave a legacy, let it be that we loved eachother well...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

It's very early....

I don't know how people get up before the sun each day and function well. So not my gifting. Going to bed early may have helped, but after a long day of very fruitful meetings, packing, laundry, and checking email, facebook, and Twitter one last night, I found my mind and body restless... And then the alarm sounded.


Godly people in the bible and in the past rose early ... I'm not spiritual enough.

I got up early for 12 years of school.. Waiting for the bus in the cold.. No fun. Had my share of 8 o'clocks in college.. And was up even earlier when I taught elem pe. Whose great idea was it to shape young minds before 8am anyway!!

Now I leave Austin tx for a stretch in my homeland - Connecticut !!! I'll be seeing my family, leading 2 gospel centered sports camps, celebrating my birthday, going to the wnba all star game, going to the new Yankee stadium, and touring espn..

I'll be up early each day for camp.. Uggg ...

Heather Lodovico
College Director

... if we ever leave a legacy, let it be that we loved eachother well...

Monday, June 29, 2009

risk to annoy

while i'm emailing, facebooking, texting, chatting, calling and twittering with college made me think.. do we pursue folks with the same intensity that Jesus pursued/ pursues us? i know we are not all initiators, and its hard for some to pursue without getting a response or being pursued ourselves.. but we should strive to be little jesus's to quote frost.. and live like him right?

its risky to pursue.. you may annoy... you may be misunderstood.. you may be rejected... yeah.. but jesus left the 99 to reach the one.. and was rejected by many.. and annoyed folks.. and was misunderstood..

do i wish my phone rang more? sure.. but that doesn't keep me from passionately pursuing folks- to help connect them to Christ, his community, and his calling on their lives.. dead people dont pick up the phone... but neither do christ followers...

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Now I can blog through email. Wow

Heather Lodovico
College Director

... if we ever leave a legacy, let it be that we loved eachother well...

I'm blogging through text on my iPhone... Wow

Friday, June 26, 2009

my dog is named shiner

yes after the beer... i love the new york yankees, the new york football giants, and the uconn huskies.. my father raised me right.

i know jesus.. somedays better than others

my big ole italian family lived in bristol and avon ct. i have over 80 cousins... im a new englander.. a yankee..

7 of the top ten least religious states are in new england... makes me sad

im on my second round of px90..

i got saved in college.. in virgina.. james madison university.. go dukes.. college students were meing missional there before the word was cool.. wish i had thought of that word.. id be rich.. if i had a million dollars..

i consider myself reformed..

i think i/ we can learn from anyone.. any church.. any author, pastor, book, sacred and secular. i used to be an arogant, ignorant son of a gun.. god's been and continues to work on me..

jury is still out on twitter.. blogging.. the south..

the red sox suck... its sad cause i really like the city of boston..

ive lived in bristol conn, garden city new york; harrisonburg, virginia; vienna, va; fort myers, fl; and now austin, tx; i dont think im done yet.

i have 5 tatoos- a turtle, soccerball, design by mandy latz, the word His in hebrew and the uconn huskies logo.. i have my next 5 picked out.

i have worked as a grocery bagger and checker- go walbaum foodmart, park and rec supervisor, data entry clerk, fast food worker, sports manager , factory temp work, waitress, para church staffer- intervarsity and FCA, church intern- mclean bible church, high school coach, little gym manager, chilis training team- opening 5 new chilis, elem. and jr. high PE teacher, athletic director, middle school coach, college ministry director, associate college director, and now connections director- at hcbcut

im used to and built to handle many tasks at once

i am a super lion.. or a DS...

i think the s.h.a.p.e book is gold to the believer. everyone should go through it and apply it to their lives

i connect people to jesus, his people, and his specific calling on their lives

im good at it.. like spooky good...

i spend way too much money.. help

this semester has been hard.. like very hard

i am very flawed

i dont trust people.. my heart hurts from folks ive let in and have bolted

i love my family.. and live too far from them.. it makes my head and heart hurt.

i have a thorn in my flesh..

i own a jeep..

diet coke is awesome. so are mudslides, cheese burgers, cliff bars, the p90x recovery drink, peanut butter and wheat thins..

Thursday, June 4, 2009

random thoughts....

here's a peak inside my brain...

-i leave for oklahoma in 12 hours.. to help train over 70 folks to reach kids.. and whoever else stumbles into camp.. with the gospel

- missional summer project starts next week.. i wont be there.. thats ok

- staff retreat happens when i come back.. i hope ill be mentally, emotionally and spiritually present

- i miss my dog already

-its amazing the village god has creadted in my 570 sq feet

- wish i lived closer to my family.. and that thought about getting closer to them is growing

- diet coke.. yes

- yankees.. yes

- kieth tooleys words today were much needed

- i dont trust anyone.. bummer

- i spend way to much money

- being a woman in full time ministry is hard sometimes

- my dog is awesome

- i am very flawed