Thursday, June 4, 2009

random thoughts....

here's a peak inside my brain...

-i leave for oklahoma in 12 hours.. to help train over 70 folks to reach kids.. and whoever else stumbles into camp.. with the gospel

- missional summer project starts next week.. i wont be there.. thats ok

- staff retreat happens when i come back.. i hope ill be mentally, emotionally and spiritually present

- i miss my dog already

-its amazing the village god has creadted in my 570 sq feet

- wish i lived closer to my family.. and that thought about getting closer to them is growing

- diet coke.. yes

- yankees.. yes

- kieth tooleys words today were much needed

- i dont trust anyone.. bummer

- i spend way to much money

- being a woman in full time ministry is hard sometimes

- my dog is awesome

- i am very flawed