Monday, June 29, 2009

risk to annoy

while i'm emailing, facebooking, texting, chatting, calling and twittering with college made me think.. do we pursue folks with the same intensity that Jesus pursued/ pursues us? i know we are not all initiators, and its hard for some to pursue without getting a response or being pursued ourselves.. but we should strive to be little jesus's to quote frost.. and live like him right?

its risky to pursue.. you may annoy... you may be misunderstood.. you may be rejected... yeah.. but jesus left the 99 to reach the one.. and was rejected by many.. and annoyed folks.. and was misunderstood..

do i wish my phone rang more? sure.. but that doesn't keep me from passionately pursuing folks- to help connect them to Christ, his community, and his calling on their lives.. dead people dont pick up the phone... but neither do christ followers...