I am a seasonal reader; which means some seasons I read a ton and in others not so much. But here's a blurb about books I've read this year. We should always be learning and listening to other voices. I recommend reading many different authors :). And if folks tell you not to read a certain author.. I'd go ahead and read them and let the holy spirit guide you. The ** are ones I really enjoyed.
*Hudson Taylors Spiritual Secret: classic on going all in - exegeting your culture- missional living
Missional Church- Guder: Theory that inviting folks to join our christian community first will lead to life transformation 2nd
*Heart of a Servant Leader- Jack Miller: Pastoral letters to missionaries around the world- drips of gospel sonship
*Vintage Jesus- Driscoll: Sarcastic and revealing look at who Jesus really was.. and is
Vintage Church- Driscoll: Sarcastic and revealing look at who the church should be
*The Yankee Years-Joe Torre: Guide to dealing with stress and finding your leadership style
*Reaching the Campus Tribes- Hines: Why we need to blow up most college ministry methodology and start over on our unique campuses
**The Unlikely Disciple- Roose: Non- christian college student transfers from Brown to Liberty for a semester and lives to tell the tale
Idols of the Heart- Fitzpatrick: What happens when you don't believe the gospel
Serving as a church greeter- Parrott/ Fusion- Searcy: Loving people well the moment they walk through the door of your church
*I once was lost- Everts: fascinating look at the '5 thresholds' folks must walk through in coming to faith- it's my story too.
Compelled by love- Stetzer: What should motivate you to live missionally
*Practicing Greatness- McNeal: How to lead well
Off Road Disciplines- Creps: The title got me.. I admit.. but reminders of the disciplines that will keep you walking with Him
Rejesus- Frost: How we should be mini Jesus's to the world
The Blueprint- Ma: Helping college students to see themselves as missionaries on the campus
Sticky church- Osborne: How to get folks to stick to your church.. the right folks
On the NT, OT, Church Leadership, God- Driscoll: Attempt at being brief and sarcastic while sharing deep truths
**Ordering Your Private World- Macdonald: I read it every year..
*The Shack- Young: I should have read it years ago.. don't think too deeply, just enjoy the story.. it's fiction remember?? :)
*Going Rogue: Sarah Palin Bio- She got screwed by the man.. beware she knows how to handle a gun.. and wild caribou
Irresistible Revolution- Claiborne: Christian Pacifist calls for a new way of living.. in Philly
What should I read next year??? :) Holy spirit on 3!