To reach our campus's, and our cities, and beyond, we need to learn from each other and train and equip the saints for the work of the kingdom.. Here are resource's I've collected that you may find helpful. The link is to a google doc with the same content! We're trying to develop missional christ followers that love jesus and people well... Holistic missionary training I call it.
missional community resources
I also have the syllabus of our entrepreneur (missionary) training program
Exiles- Michael Frost
Radical Reformission- Marc Driscoll
Connecting- Larry Crabb
Hudson Taylors Spiritual Secret- Taylor
The Present Future- McNeal
The Shaping of Things to Come- Frost
ReJesus- Frost
Heart of a Servant Leader- Miller
Enduring Community- Habig
Ordering your private world- Macdonald
The Unlikely Disciple- Roose
The Enemy Within- Lundgaard
Advancing the Gospel in the 21st Century- Keller
The Three World Views- Glen Smith
The Missional Church- Keller
Creating Community- Lance Ford
Looking Outside- Brother Maynard
Clarifying our Calling- Glen Smith
Evangelism by Networking- Glen Smith
Beginning a Conversation- Ed Stetzer
Being Intentional- Bischof
Holistic Formation- Bischof
How Can I be Missional- Emerging Grace
Gospel Discipling- Smallman
Marks of a Spiritual Leader- Piper
Cultivating a Tender Heart- Macullum
Being Intentional About Passing it on- Bischof
Living on Mission- Coram Deo- Will Walker
Life if David Brainerd- Jeremy Lantz
William Carey: Father of Modern Missions- Royer
The Real Reason for Revival- Dr. Martyn Lloyd- Jones
A Theology of Work- Bob Thune
How to Exegete your culture-
Christ in the City- Keller
Getting Upstream to Transform the City- Keller
A Vision for the City- Villafane
Core Team Health- pdf
Decoding UT- hcbc-ut
Missional Contact Sheets- hcbc-ut
Establishing Missional Communities- hcbc-ut