What do people that don't go to church think about Christians, Christianity, and the church? What do folks from other parts of the country that are unfamiliar with evangelical Christianity think of those that call themselves born again Christians?
We call them non- Christians, unbelievers, people that don't know Jesus yet, and other names I don't care to use here.. We are always trying to get them to understand us and the gospel.. to speak their language so they will "taste and see that the Lord is good".
But would we be willing to leave behind the Christian culture and safe world (christian bubble) we are in and enter into their world, not to convert, but to truly understand their life, morals, faith or lack their of. To be honest learners.. and listeners.. and friends?
I recently finished the book "An Unlikely Disciple", by Kevin Roose. It is about a self- described non- christian who decides to enroll at Liberty University (a very conservative Christian University in Lynchburg, VA founded by the late Jerry Falwell) to learn about evangelical Christianity by totally immersing himself in the culture. He does this not to mock or slam or write the sequel to "Saved" (a great movie by the way). He does it to try to understand this foreign culture to learn and write about it.
Crazy right? This was my first response. (I think I said " Are you freaking kidding me??") My second was please Lord not Liberty!! Not Jerry Falwell! Not the university with the dress code, curfew, and fines for swearing, touching, and watching R rated movies!! Oh the horror! (now I did not go to Liberty so I apologize for my stereotypical views about the campus. I do however have many a friends who have gone to Liberty and also heard, like many of you all, Falwell's comments after 9-11)
Back to the book..
Kevin was a journalism student at Brown University (a very liberal 'pagan' place.. Christians beware!!! :). He grew up in PA not really going to church or with a solid faith. He was your typical college student. Partied, hooked up, wanted to save Darfur etc. etc. He did not have any folks around him that are like 'us'. Why?
There are just not many Christ-followers in New England. Better put, there are not many conservative evangelical Christians in the North East. And like 6 of the top ten non-religious states are in New England. It is a foreign land up there.. very different than the South.. or the country of Texas where I live.
When a journalism assignment brought him to Liberty one weekend, he encountered a few Liberty students in the lobby of Falwell's church, located on the Liberty campus. Not to give too much away, but the encounter freaked him out. Yes freaked him out.
But it also caused him to wonder who are these people ? It was like bumping into tourists from a foreign land... hearing a language you've never heard before. That encounter took him on a semester long journey away from the 'safety' of Brown University, away from his loving but non-christian parents and friends, into the lion's den of.... Christianville, USA. (His parents we're scared to death by the way of this idea and pleaded for him not to go!!)
The book is his account of going undercover as a student at Liberty. It is a fascinating, and I believe open and honest look at Christianity. It is hilarious and challenging. It should be read by all. Do I agree with everything he says??.. No.. Not at all. But it's his honest search for understanding that is so amazing, and refreshing to me..
And needing to be heard by Christ-followers.. no matter where you live.
FYI- I grew up in New England. Connecticut by the way.. I am a Yankee true and true! Loud, sarcastic, non-touchy feely, family loving, passionate NY Yankee, MY Giant, and UCONN fan, loyal to a fault, former nominal Catholic not really.
It wasn't until I was a sophomore in college, at James Madison University, a public school in Virginia, where I first encountered "born again Christians". Totally freaked me out by the way... but also made me curious as to who the hell are these people... :) (now there's a good story)
Read this book. It's at Barnes and Nobles.. I don't think its at Lifeway.. sorry.. you'll have to be brave and leave the bubble..