Monday, June 29, 2009

risk to annoy

while i'm emailing, facebooking, texting, chatting, calling and twittering with college made me think.. do we pursue folks with the same intensity that Jesus pursued/ pursues us? i know we are not all initiators, and its hard for some to pursue without getting a response or being pursued ourselves.. but we should strive to be little jesus's to quote frost.. and live like him right?

its risky to pursue.. you may annoy... you may be misunderstood.. you may be rejected... yeah.. but jesus left the 99 to reach the one.. and was rejected by many.. and annoyed folks.. and was misunderstood..

do i wish my phone rang more? sure.. but that doesn't keep me from passionately pursuing folks- to help connect them to Christ, his community, and his calling on their lives.. dead people dont pick up the phone... but neither do christ followers...

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Now I can blog through email. Wow

Heather Lodovico
College Director

... if we ever leave a legacy, let it be that we loved eachother well...

I'm blogging through text on my iPhone... Wow

Friday, June 26, 2009

my dog is named shiner

yes after the beer... i love the new york yankees, the new york football giants, and the uconn huskies.. my father raised me right.

i know jesus.. somedays better than others

my big ole italian family lived in bristol and avon ct. i have over 80 cousins... im a new englander.. a yankee..

7 of the top ten least religious states are in new england... makes me sad

im on my second round of px90..

i got saved in college.. in virgina.. james madison university.. go dukes.. college students were meing missional there before the word was cool.. wish i had thought of that word.. id be rich.. if i had a million dollars..

i consider myself reformed..

i think i/ we can learn from anyone.. any church.. any author, pastor, book, sacred and secular. i used to be an arogant, ignorant son of a gun.. god's been and continues to work on me..

jury is still out on twitter.. blogging.. the south..

the red sox suck... its sad cause i really like the city of boston..

ive lived in bristol conn, garden city new york; harrisonburg, virginia; vienna, va; fort myers, fl; and now austin, tx; i dont think im done yet.

i have 5 tatoos- a turtle, soccerball, design by mandy latz, the word His in hebrew and the uconn huskies logo.. i have my next 5 picked out.

i have worked as a grocery bagger and checker- go walbaum foodmart, park and rec supervisor, data entry clerk, fast food worker, sports manager , factory temp work, waitress, para church staffer- intervarsity and FCA, church intern- mclean bible church, high school coach, little gym manager, chilis training team- opening 5 new chilis, elem. and jr. high PE teacher, athletic director, middle school coach, college ministry director, associate college director, and now connections director- at hcbcut

im used to and built to handle many tasks at once

i am a super lion.. or a DS...

i think the s.h.a.p.e book is gold to the believer. everyone should go through it and apply it to their lives

i connect people to jesus, his people, and his specific calling on their lives

im good at it.. like spooky good...

i spend way too much money.. help

this semester has been hard.. like very hard

i am very flawed

i dont trust people.. my heart hurts from folks ive let in and have bolted

i love my family.. and live too far from them.. it makes my head and heart hurt.

i have a thorn in my flesh..

i own a jeep..

diet coke is awesome. so are mudslides, cheese burgers, cliff bars, the p90x recovery drink, peanut butter and wheat thins..

Thursday, June 4, 2009

random thoughts....

here's a peak inside my brain...

-i leave for oklahoma in 12 hours.. to help train over 70 folks to reach kids.. and whoever else stumbles into camp.. with the gospel

- missional summer project starts next week.. i wont be there.. thats ok

- staff retreat happens when i come back.. i hope ill be mentally, emotionally and spiritually present

- i miss my dog already

-its amazing the village god has creadted in my 570 sq feet

- wish i lived closer to my family.. and that thought about getting closer to them is growing

- diet coke.. yes

- yankees.. yes

- kieth tooleys words today were much needed

- i dont trust anyone.. bummer

- i spend way to much money

- being a woman in full time ministry is hard sometimes

- my dog is awesome

- i am very flawed