george clooney had a team of 11 to make off with all that money.. i just read a book that talks about 11 indispensable relationships you can't be without.. i've bought in to it..
we all know about the importance of a paul.. someone pouring into you.. but i think we put too much on that one person.. to be all things to us..
god has given us the spirit.. different personalities..different giftings.. this book tells of 11 relationships that will help us grow.. based of 11 people in the bible.. the author calls them withnesses.. god's dream team for us to travel this journey with us..
so who you taking with you? "Here is life's best buddy system".. chew on it a bit..
who's your nathan: you need an editor
who's your jonathan: you need a true friend
who's your jethro: you need a butt- kicker
who's your timothy: you need a heir
who's your barnabas: you need an encourager
who's your peter/paul: you need a yoda
who's your deborah: you need a back- coverer
who's your zacchaeus: you need a reject
who's your rhoda: you need a 'little one'
who are your VIP's: you need a lydia and a lazarus
where's your jerusalem: you need a place
the invisible 12th: holy spirit on 3 :)
who you got in your corner... who you asking how goes it with your soul?