So I've had a few days to ponder anew, what the verge conference can do.. or has done in my head and heart. I haven't had much time to process, but here are a few things I'm chewing on:
- The 'church' is a collection of Christ-followers who gather on a regular basis to worship, pray, take communion, baptize new (and I emphasize NEW) believers & learn the scriptures... not a building.. so I'm not sure we should even have our own buildings.. it confuses Christ followers. They forget they are the 'church'.
- I'm moving to Haiti. Well not really, but the focus on the poor, the orphans, widows and the least of these was moving and convicting. But you don't need to go to Haiti to love and serve these folks. The Western 'church' must do more. I must do more.
- The 'church' spends too much time on focusing on Christians. By all means Yes for Sunday worship, teaching and communion. Yes to a small group or accountability. But that's it. You got the Holy Spirit. You got a Bible. Come on- self sustaining faith on 3!! The 'church' should then go out and redeem the culture. Sunday 9am-11am- focus on believers. The rest of the time we are sent out to serve, love, and share Jesus with the world.
- The definition of discipleship is not what you think. Over and over the speakers talked about discipleship in the context of people that don't know Jesus. Evangelism. I really thought they were speaking on the wrong topic. Nope. Just seems I had the wrong definition. Life on Life, investing your life and the gospel in someone... that doesn't know Jesus, that's discipleship!
- Missional means many things to many people.. same with missional communties...and this has led to a simple thought becoming a jumbled, mangled, mess that people think is to hard to accomplish. I mean what do you love to do? Find people who don't know Jesus that love to do it too. Hang out! Be intentional! Too complicated? Love God. Love your neighbor (or classmate, roommate, hall mate, workmate, family, friends, etc etc).
- Speakers like to wear black.
- Frances Chan is a great communicator. I hope he can move his 'church' missional. I really do.
- Ed Stetzer said it best. "The 'church' has made it acceptable to sit in the pews week and after week and do nothing, and call yourself a Christian." The American or western 'church' has said it's been born again, and knows the Living God, but lives pretty joyless, spiritless life.. Who wants that?
- Frances's, can I call him Frances? He said that when he tells his daughter to clean her room, she doesn't go pray about it. She doesn't go get some friends and do a study on it. She doesn't go memorize what he said. She goes and cleans her room! But when Jesus says do something, or don't do something, what does the 'church' do? Convicting as all get out...
- The 'church' should be the most generous folks in the world...and we should laugh the loudest & cry the hardest.
- Spiritual disciplines are needed yes, but can we rename them, or preach a lot of gospel around them? I mean whats cool about spiritual disciplines? That's gonna make someone want to give their life to Jesus? We can't reduce the faith to them.
- You shouldn't have to say missional disciples. Disciples should be missional. A Christ- follower is a missionary. We shouldn't have to beg Christ- followers to be missional.
- The biting sarcasm of Jesus is awesome. I knew he was from the Northeast! :)
- Are we for people or against them? Do we point out God's work in them? Can we find a little bit of truth & then just listen.. really listen?? I can list the people the 'church' is not for.. and so can the world.. sad :(
- Ordinary life + gospel intentionality = hanging out with less church people and instead focusing on folks that don't know Him yet
More to come.. A lot more is stirring in my head and heart.. How bout yours? What's going on in your head and heart?