So I went blog crazy over Christmas break, and then have been silent since.. My bad.. I had a lot of free time watching the snow fall in Connecticut with my family. But since I've been back in Austin.. Life has been nutty. That's typical in my world of college ministry. Mid Jan. until March it's crazy. Relaunching, motivating, tweaking, encouraging, gathering, connecting, praying, data collecting, spring break training, 35 day journeying, a new pastor acclimating, and then a conference... So I apologize being absent.
In the mean time I've been enjoying my dog and our daily 'walk against fatness' and my roommates- 'The Village", as we call it. I have enjoyed living in community.
However, there is a stirring inside my heart.. Been growing for awhile now.. It may just be excitement over my Uconn Lady Huskies, and the NY Yankees, but I think it's something more.
I'll be back with more thoughts.. Jesus take the wheel...