Wednesday, January 4, 2012

another year 'bites' the dust... Jan- July

I like to reflect.. it helps me process and see what the Lord has done.. My rock star life is never boring.. and this year was no exception. I am regaining my voice and learning to use it again. Thanks Taylor Swift and Hope Solo for the inspiration. Part 1 ...

Jan. '11
Amelia and Nicole visit me in the frozen tundra of CT. We get snowed in from multiple blizzards and have a blast with Shiner. We also go to NYC!! I continue my BB coaching at Masters, Dog walking fun, and watching Uconn basketball games at the XL Center and Gampel. SO MUCH SNOW! Happy birthday Amy :). I put pressure on myself to think through whats next.. but that takes so much effort...Loved spending the holidays with the fam!

Feb. '11
Dog business continues to grow and thrive. I am dressed head to toe in snow gear but am enjoying it. I also love my Young Explorers class at church. Concussions have hit my team hard. So hard in fact, that we have coined the phrase 'concussed'. It is hard to see the girls struggling and missing school with headaches and dizziness. BOO CONCUSSIONS! Planning for Sports Camp begins. It's great to be with my church during the planning stages. Future.. Connecticut? Church Planting? Back on Campus? Kids? Teaching? Will the Village join me??

March '11
UT spring break an only mean one thing!! Amelia and Nicole are coming to visit!!! And we're staying in the Castle!! And there is snow! CT Whale and Uconn games, watching Griff play soccer, and Ultimate Frisbee begins. Throw in a surprise trip to Austin for Centex, family birthday fun, and lots of dogs, and the month flies by!

April '11
Final Four fun in Indy with Nicole. We see the Indy 500 track, LATZ :), and Uconn upset by ND.. so sad. Texas A&M wins it all, but Howl at the Moon cheers us up! :) Coaching Ultimate Frisbee is a challenge but I'm enjoying the players. I'm holding down the fort while my parents go to Florida, when I'm stopped in my tracks. During a Doggy consult I'm attacked and bitten by a dog :(. Ambulance, ER, doctors, pain = no fun zone. I try to keep up the business but need help. Dad, Tracy, and Nicole to the rescue! But I'm in a lot of pain and my right hand is useless. Griff starts baseball and I try to keep up with everything, but by Easter I'm rethinking the dog business and thinking about what to do.. maybe teaching.... Nicole seems up for a move but Amelia has landed a job!! A Real job! YAY!!

May '11

Frisbee gets more challenging. So many doggy friends. My hand hurts so much. I'm very tired. I put some feelers out about jobs in CT but don't hear much. I reconnect with old friends in Florida and a job opportunity pops up. Fort Myers? Again? HMM? Off to Texas to celebrate Amelia and Nicole (and others) and have a meltdown at a wedding. Too many faces... Thankful for the Tooleys, Haugs and Allison Brown to pick me back up. They say Florida... but I don't know..

June '11
Masters Athletic Banquet. Great to see the kids from VB, Basketball, and Frisbee. I am bummed there is not a job opening there and am confused why the Lord wouldn't open that door. I keep on keeping on and go back and forth on whats next. Griff starts soccer , Gianna graduates from Pre- School and has her Dance Recital, :), Ella has a birthday, and I go see the Yankees/ Red Sox with Cheryl!!! Lots of clients, lots of family, but community is missing. Panda Mania is a blast and I'm convinced Kid's Ministry is where its at. The Gospel, the Faith, is so simple when its taught to children. God is wild about you. God made you. God listens to you. God watches over you. God loves you no matter what. God gives good gifts. I left this week refreshed in the gospel of grace. But it made me think, at what age do we add to these simple truths? At what age do we complicate and add to the gospel of grace... cause we do.. I decide to go to Florida to be back with kids, do sports and ministry, and enter back into Christian community. A big step of faith yes.. especially when I get the text from one of my players that she's been kicked out of her Christian school for admitting she is a lesbian...

July '11
This month is filled with emotions as I fight for this student athlete and fight against what I feel is an injustice, against the teachings of Jesus.. and just plain wrong!! This situation brings back all that I feel is wrong with how believers are called to live and love.. I question my decision to leave CT. I now know why a job wasn't provided at that school for me. I would have had to resign. I enjoy leading Sports Camp and being with Griff, Gianna, and cousin Carter. The UW team embraces my family, my birthday and Yankee Stadium :). I visit Florida which helps with my doubts, and I dance the night away with Michael Jackson and TC! Nicole comes and we prepare to move.. Saying goodbye to doggies and owners are sad.. goodbye to the family even more sad.. But a fun job awaits so the road trip begins! Hopefull on 3!