- Visiting dear friends in Virginia
- Trip to Yankee Stadium
- Family picnics/ birthdays
- Enjoying 85 degree weather
- Walks against fatness with Shiner
- Grilling out
- Drinking a lot of Diet Coke
- Enjoying 5 Guys Burgers & Fries
- Watching The NY Yankees with my Dad
- UW Sports Camps in New England & Virginia
- Chatting with Church Planters braving it in New England
- Researching health insurance & new cell phone services
- Thinking of starting my own business
- Drinking McDonald's Diet Coke
- Driving with Griffin in the jeep with the top down singing and doing the hand motions while the "Go The Distance" CD is blasting..
- Reading "The Tale of 3 Kings" and "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years"
- Talking to Jesus
There is no where else I could imagine being, then here. Then is nothing else I could imagine myself doing, then this.
Jesus has taken the wheel. He is good. I feel/ am so free.